Monday, April 18, 2005

Coffee...and catching up...

In transit between two of which is not home, but seems to with the amount of time spent purposely shuttling across to it...I realize I have a lot of catching up to do....with whom you ask...Aah well, me, myself and I....

Bliss was the order of the day yesterday...Throw in a truckful of serenity along with it...Some wilderness to taste...stir it with a spoonful of wildlife(the real ones...not the ones you would find on the B'bay locals :D) and voila - you got yourself a Sunday to remember :)

The funny thing is...I don't think I would have survived there beyond one day...Not that I was stranded in the middle of a jungle...anything but that...had a log hut which was not exactly a hut...It looked like a palace when compared to my studio apartment....And of course, the greatest possible invention of Mankind - the hammock...Yet inspite of all this, I left quite lost...Like a man throw in front of floodlights after being stuck in darkness for a long time, I waS clueless...All that silence was too much to take....Deafening actually...And I was struggling to keep my hands away from my discman, when the instructions on the brochure said " Sap in the sounds of nature..."

But well...I had good company and all this didn't matter ...

Till the next shuttle trip...over and out...

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Near and yet so far...from heaven...

"Apology is only egotism wrong side out"

So that's that...No need to conjure up excuses/explanations for my noticeable (I hope so!) absence from Bloggersville..Let me cut to the chase...

Far from Heaven is one of these beautifully drafted tell-tale of the societal issues most prevalent in the 50's American suburbia..Although it did leave a thought as to the main problems - Homosexuality, Equal rights to african americans and broken homes have been forcefully made cohesive, the fact that it had been done in a rather seamless manner did hammer down this thought to death...Touching performances from the three main protaganists who have been driven to feelings of shame, guilt and misery because of the uncompromising conventions and attitudes of the people around them....An intense devotion to make everything about the movie quintessentially 50's - right from the background score to the kempt hairdoes and floppy frocks....The exquisitely captured colours of autumn which makes the entire movie rather subdued in terms of the mood....It was all part of the package...

"Sometimes its the people outside our world we confide in best. But then if you do confide, they would not continue to be outsiders, would they?" - You might have heard in these in the promos for the movie....

While this rhetorical question might have a perplexing effect, I was wondering what triggers one to confide in the first place, let alone who to confide in...There's an interplay of course..If the need to confide is too overwhelming, we would naturally rurn to someone where we would find solace in the most desirable manner...But of course, the result of this might not be very helpful...Depends on whether the person who lends his/her ears, feels it is better that you find relief in the temporary refuge given by the comfort of his/her words/actions...or whether you need a dosage of reality much more than the brief alleviation....But ironically, if this were to be the case, it was always leaves an undesirable taste with the confider about his/her friend, as normally people are too myopic to look at the big picture and hence the altruism showcased by their friend....Also, there's always a certain degree of the subjective element if you confide in people of your own worlds - right from their view points to their relationship with you...All this points to just one thing...An outside perspective on things does help, I guess...

Or well, just grab a cup of coffee, some smokes and put the tissues to good use for scribbling :)